Assorted Graphics

A mix of different graphics I’ve made for fun or for intern work.

Basic Shadowhunters Stuff

For Basic Shadowhunters Stuff’s Instagram and Twitter. One thing I never noticed about the show until I had to edit screenshots: IT’S SO DARK.

Basic Shadowhunters Stuff

For Basic Shadowhunters Stuff, a fan-made e-news source for the television show, Shadowhunters. Sadly, the show was cancelled and ended May 6, 2019. News of cancellation sparked a community outrage that poured itself into donations for the Trevis Project. Shadowhunters had LGBTQ+ characters and the writers strived to write compelling stories for them which we enjoyed. Farewell, Shadowhunters TV.

Brooklyn Cooperation

Work I’ve done for Brooklyn Cooperation. It involved posters and palm cards.


an assortment of work done under FYEYE for non-profits

Female Heroes

For Studio in a Box for print. First sketched out in Photoshop and then ported to Illustrator to be vectorized. The toughest part was picking colors.

Inventors of Color

For Studio in a Box. The goal was to create portraits of these inventors in a certain style for print. Started with sketches in Photoshop and vectorized in Illustrator.